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Nature conservancy

Nature conservancy

Nature conservancy is a social task of considerable importance. At political level, nature conservancy is coordinated nationally and internationally by the Federal Office for Nature Conservancy. Its tasks include species protection for threatened species of animals and plants, ecological landscape planning in agreement with the needs of sport and tourism, environmental education and public relations. Gender plays a role in all these areas.

Women and men are present in nature conservancy in different ways. The work of nature conservancy associations and of numerous experts is crucially supported no least by the private, often honorary, commitment of many private citizens, men and women. As nature conservancy is based on a social accord, concepts, tools and measures for nature conservancy rely on broad social and political acceptance. GM ensures that the extent to which perception needs and commitment of women and men are brought in different ways into practical nature conservancy and acknowledged according to unequal standards is recognized.

There are several gender aspects which are often important in nature conservancy.

erstellt von Administrator zuletzt verändert: 02.01.2010 20:08